More Time
for what matters
Automations for busy Business Owners
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To check if you'll benefit from Automations.
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In 2022, 66% of companies were using some form of automation for their operations. This increased to 78% in 2023. - Workato

60% of all occupations could save up to 30% of their time with business process automation. - McKinsey

Research shows that businesses lose 20% to 30% of revenue each year to inefficient business processes. - Entrepreneur

Pick something important in your business that you regularly do manually.
Describe that workflow to me using these guiding questions. In a Meeting or via E-Mail.

You'll get an automation using state-of-the-art tooling within 2 weeks.
You only pay when you're satisfied and everything's working as expected.

No complicated installation. No hidden secrets. It just works.
You will save more money than my automations cost. Always.
Common tools and best-practices. No vendor lock-in.
No long back-and-forths. Results within 2 weeks.
Working 24/7. Without breaks. Without mistakes.
Conforming with ISO27001 and GDPR.
You don’t need to be tech-savvy. I'm with you anytime.
No need to change anything you do or learn something new.
You evolve. So does our solution. It scales with you.
What's your pricing?
Each automation comes with a monthly license, which includes maintenance, personalized support, and minor adjustments. The license is for a minimum of 12 months, with pricing starting at 300,- € per month and not exceeding 1.000,- € per month (average is 500,- € per month). If you prefer, a one-time payment option (12x the monthly fee) is available, though it doesn’t include maintenance or ongoing support.
Not ready, yet?
I'll share some secrets with you.